Originally Posted by absorbentishe
I just picked up Panic at the Disco, and it's okay. I like about 3 songs, and the rest I can take or leave. My friends said it was great and I'd love it, but I don't have that feeling yet. I haven't purchased a CD in a while, so I'm kind of bummed. I guess that's why I don't buy cd's too often.
Yeah, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out is certainly a take or leave. Panic! has the ability to write catchy pop hooks but they are superficial to say the least. The boys are still young and this is their first album; keep that in mind. for a debut they did exactly what they wanted; an over produced, slightly media worthy, angst ridden album for the non-comformist conforming youth. if you look at it that way it's a production hit... an artistic miss.