Don't downplay insurance; if your new job doesn't offer health insurance, you could end up paying several hundred a month for even a high-deductible plan, which comes to several K a year. Car insurance will go up, too, if you were on your parents' plan but are no longer, and aren't getting a good student discount, either. You don't get a break on car insurance until you're 30. And if you move to a cool urban neighborhood -- well, your insurance could be even more expensive, because insurance companies figure charges by age, record, _and_ place of residence.
If you're in a regular corporate-type job, you'll probably spend more money on clothes, haircare, and such. If you want a gym membership, you'll pay for that, too. Entertainment gets more expensive, too, when you don't have the student card.
One thing I've always found: people either have too much time but no money, or too much money but no time. As your life gets busier, you'll find yourself paying people to do things you used to do for yourself -- because you have the money, but no longer the time. That's one of the main ways that expenses can creep up on you.