I'm a single Dad so i've had some experience on the other side of the fence. First understand that the kid will ALWAYS come first. Let me say that again....THE KID WILL ALWAYS COME FIRST. I've been in a few relationships and dated a few women since my divorce a number of years ago. I've always been very up front about my kids always coming first. Without fail every relationship since the divorce has ended because the other party could not deal with this (this is not to say that this will happen again, just that people who do this well are rare, my stepdad is one of those rare people). They said they understood at the beginning, but when it came down to it, they just couldn't handle it. This means that when she has told her child that on saturday they are going to the park together to play, just the two of them, and you call and ask her to spend saturday with you and she says she can't because she's made plans with her kid, that she's NOT going to break those plans for you, or always include you in them. This means that when she calls you 15 minutes before your date with her saying her son just puked all over the place and she needs to cancel your date, that you have to be ok with it. If you can handle always playing second fiddle to her kid, WITHOUT resenting her or the child for it, then this can work out. If you don't know if your ego can handle that, then it's a bad idea.
Having said all that, if you do decide to go ahead with this, 18 months- about 5 y.o. is a damn fun age for a little boy. Enjoy the hell out him. Be silly, try to see the world through his eyes, and just sit back and watch him, kids are amazing.