PE should be renamed "Fitness Education" and have proven methods of improving the physical condition of children. It should begin in Kintegarden and cintinue through the senior year in HS. Kintegardners will learn running, jumping, basic games, etc., and each year more skills and abilities will be explored. The exercises should be well rounded, including stretching, aerobics, team and individual sports, and even weight lifting. Activities will be taylored to the average ability of the students at the beginning of the year and raised by the end of the year. FE should not be graded pass/fail, but should get a letter grade just like Math or English (what use are Math and English if you've suffered a cardio pulminary failure?)..
As for lunch, no more: Taco Bell, pizza, burgers, fries, chips, sodas, etc. While produce doesn't give handouts to school, they are cheaper on the whole. Fresh fruit and veggies, baken lean meat sandwiches on wheat bread, and fat free dairy should be on the menu. I'll bet grades would go up just because of diet change.