Originally Posted by Charlatan
As for blaming obesity on lack of playground equipment... please. It is only part of the problem. Have a long hard look at our national food chain. Take a long look at the farm subsidies going into crops like corn (not corn on the cob corn, corn used in process foods) rather than actual produce. The surpluses have been utilized by scientists to make abundant cheap food... but food that is essentially unhealthy for us.
I agree completely, but it's another step that makes it harder for kids to stay fit. Pop vending machines in schools? We had these in high schools when I was a kid, but nowadays they have them in middle schools, and from what I understand, the occasional elementary school. WTF? If you didn't bring a drink to lunch, you got water or milk. Also, lowest bidder foods continue to decline in quality in schools. I'm just saying, this is ANOTHER piece of a giant puzzle of failure that our children today are presented with.