Originally Posted by billege
With no cause to presume ugly motives, they exist only in the head of the person that put them there.
IE: The parent's mind is so preoccupied with child crimes that they're seeing things that aren't there.
The TV and newspapers have given every parent a thousand reasons to project suspect motives onto other people. They don't need a reason, they don't need a cause, they just need a bullshit "feeling"- driven by irrational fear created by the media.
Oh- and if people talk about "just don't be a dick and stop taking pictures", that's a two-way street. You could just stop being an irrational asshole and let the person continue taking pictures
which have nothing to do with you or your kid, and stop letting your fears run everyone else's lives, too.
That's one major part of what's fucked up about this country- people think that their own fears are justification for running other people's lives. STOP LETTING THE FEAR GET TO YOU. These things have ALWAYS happened- there have always been perverts and child molesters, but there weren't always a thousand news vans parked outside every home in america to cover it. Calm the fuck down already.