You want PE back in schools? Look at how your schools are run. Look at where the funding has gone.
As Kutulu rightly points out, music, art and PE are the first to go in funding crunches. This is not new.
As for blaming obesity on lack of playground equipment... please. It is only part of the problem. Have a long hard look at our national food chain. Take a long look at the farm subsidies going into crops like corn (not corn on the cob corn, corn used in process foods) rather than actual produce. The surpluses have been utilized by scientists to make abundant cheap food... but food that is essentially unhealthy for us.
It is far cheaper to by processed bad food than it is to by "natural" healthy foods.
/end threadjack
You want the playgrounds to be active again? Change the laws so parents can't sure schools when their kids fall and break a bone, or worse. It is the resulting rise in insurance costs that have lead to these measures.
School boards are already sagging with underfunding. Trimming insurance costs is just another column on the ledger.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke