I'm proposing a second game, similar to
The Trival Racing Image Game *NSFW* edition, except without the elimination element. In its place, a scoring system will be used, allowing everyone to keep playing.
Here's the proposed rules:
1. Images must, in some way, reflect the Theme as stated. Creativity in responding to the Theme is encouraged.
2. Images must be Not Safe For Work. In other words, there must be some visible nudity in the photo. The standard TFP rules for images apply (no children, no scat, etc.).
7. Speed counts. 5 points will be awarded for the first post, 4 points for the second post, 3 points for the third post, and 1 point for any post following that.
4. Quality counts. There will be additional points available at the whim of the Theme Poster; these can either be predeclared in the original Statement of Theme, or granted for exceptional quality or creativity.
11. Repetition is not allowed. Posting a second image from a photo shoot that was already posted in that round is not finding a new photo, it is just copying. However, recycling an image that was used in a previous round for a different purpose is acceptable and amusing
5. Only one picture posted per person per round. You can go back and edit your post if you find a better image later; however, if there is an 'edit' stamp on your post, you will only receive 1 "speed" point, even if your original post was within the first 3 posts.
3. The duration of each round will be arbitrary, but must be a minimum of 24 hours.
6. The "first poster" in the current round (noting Rule 5) will choose the Theme for the next round after the current round is closed and the point totals are posted. Please post both a description of the theme and an example photo.
9. No pictures from Tilted Exhibition are permitted.
10. Taking photos specifically to match the theme is strongly discouraged; this is a scavenger hunt.
12. Jump on in! It isn't too late to join the Scavenger Hunt, even though some people have already scored points.
TIP: Don't direct link to images, they will often be 'rexed' when other people view them. Use one of the tools on the
ImageShack tools page; for instance, the Firefox extension allows you to right-click an image and upload it automatically to ImageShack, even without an account. After posting your image, you can force a full reload of all images with most browsers by typing Ctrl-F5.
I plan to start the first round tomorrow, after people have an opportunity to comment on the rules.