Bah, I say!
I agree that perhaps some parents are trying to take control after something tragic, but I still don't see the point in this. This isn't like a bike helmet or a seatbelt or an athletic cup. This is taking away part of being a kid. What if the city took away youth football? Then the middle school? Then the high school? Then they take away basketball because a kid died once playing basketball? Sound farfetched? Even after this article? I'm sorry, I fell off monkey bars a few times as a kid. I got shoved off a tall slide and got kicked by a swinger on the way down, lost my first tooth that way. I've been smashed in the head during kickball, shoved too hard during tag and who knows what else. It's play, it's rugged it's fun, it's a lesson in life. It's a NEEDED part of childhood.