PlayStation 3: What Sony Doesn't Want You to Know
Lower price means no Wi-Fi, HDMI, memory slots.
by Patrick Klepek, 05/08/2006
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During their conference this evening, Sony mentioned they would be releasing two PlayStation 3 hardware packages this November. They emphasized the logical differences between the hard drives, but failed to mention the other features that drop if consumers pick up the $499 model over the more expensive $599 machine.
As it turns out, a little examining of Sony's announcement press release reveals the $499 model will lack support for Memory Sticks, SD and Compact Flash cards, no built-in Wi-Fi and will surprisingly have the HDMI output removed (necessary for achieving the much bragged about 1080p screen resolution).
Though overlooked at the conference, expect to hear 1UP digging up more about Sony's decision behind the feature cuts in the coming days. Stay tuned.
Personally i think this is a major flub on Sony's part, why cut out hardware for the price, I know the hdd is smaller but knocking out integral parts of the system that they plan on using as a selling point just seems a bit stupid to me. Also in regards to the new controller design "ripoff" it does not have any feedback like a dual shock? If this is also true, I am REALLY doubting on buying a PS3 at all now. Please Sony don't do this.