So if I understand correctly, the snarky dude from Homeland waltzed into the room where Chloe was working on the recording with some bizarre device in his hand that emits red light, "sneakily" waved it near the recording while Chloe was working on it, and now the recording will be destroyed/corrupted/etc. and Chloe, despite working ON the recording, didn't notice.
Also, how has no one made a copy of this stupid thing yet? The first thing I would've done when I got it to CTU was copy it onto every computer in sight, e-mail it to myself, Congress, the New York Times. What genius idea did Chloe, Miss Paranoid, have of working on it only from the original and not saving it to her computer?
That is some genius plot twist right there people. GENIUS.
Alternately, it's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. zzz At least the stupid crap with Terri losing her memory didn't matter. This pretty much is a cheap ploy to get an extra episode or two. I am ashamed to be a 24 fan tonight.
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 05-08-2006 at 09:20 PM..