Originally Posted by jorgelito
I thought it was a bit unfair for you to assume the town was racist, at least without expanding on it. Lastly, the flags debate: the op was talking about a double-standard applied to it, your post didn't really address that (I'm not picking on you by the way, just looking for clarification).
I never said the town was racist.
The school was afraid of a backlash against mexican kids for getting a day off from school on their cultural holiday. loganmule blamed it on the school, stating that if the administration hadn't thought about giving mexican students a day off, there wouldn't have been any backlash. That's a retarded causal inference; if there weren't any racists, THEN there wouldn't be any backlash.
I didn't address the "double standard" because it was bullshit--there wasn't one.
Originally Posted by loganmule
The paper said that ALL students were prohibited from wearing ANY flags on Friday.
students who want to wear the US flag are allowed to do so, and mexicans who want to wear the Mexican flag are allowed to do so--
except for this one day when NO ONE was allowed to wear any flags. Why? because racists are usually too stupid to keep their idiocy to themselves and they have a tendency to not keep their mouths shut when they see the object of their irrational hatred. on days of national importance, like cinco de mayo, when inter-racial tensions are running high, some "witty" or degrading comment is more likely to result in a fight.
on to free speech: in situations that effect the ordinary functioning of the school and safety of the students, school administrations have been allowed to limit "freedoms" adults enjoy in public society, and reasonably so in my opinion.