Was Goss always just a "transitional figure" who would shake up the CIA, perhaps on ideological grounds, and then hand over control to someone like Hayden?
I doubt he was intended to be a transitional figure, but he certainly was there to weed out Bush's supposed enemies. The majority of experienced members are now gone, which is a far better reason to can him.
Was he just overwhelmed by his job, as he has previously suggested in interviews, leading President Bush to lose confidence in him?
Congressional hours are a cakewalk compared to the CIA, or any head of a major corporation. Gathering his previous aides under him didn't improve the need to delegate. Bush was forced to dump Goss.
Was he just unhappy with his reduced role after the creation of the National Director of Intelligence?
He went head to head with Negropointe over moving the CIA analysts out from under him and lost.
Was he forced to resign as a result of his possible involvement in the Duke Cunningham scandal, which was reported just days earlier?
It certainly may have contributed, but he was told in April to prepare to leave by May.
I doubt Bush was losing sleep over Goss's incompetence and the loss of key talent within the CIA, because clearly Rumsfeld was building his own intelligence organization with the blessing of Cheney. Any civilian checks to the military are rapidly eroding as can be seen by General Hayden's appointment to the head of the CIA.