Dilbert, the links that you submitted in the post before your last one, support my contention that the wrecked jet engine core photos are of GE/CFAN design.....your sources say CF6, my photo comparison below shows similarities between the CFM56-3 photo on the wiki site page.
The comments that you quoted, about the CF6 were arrogant in their certainty. This does not bode well for the official line (FEMA) that the engine is from P&W powered flight 175!
In your last post, you also throw in the possibility that the wreckage is from a P&W JT9D-7 design. I see nothing that indicates a P&W source, but I do see simliarites in the upper right of each photo, that support a CFM56-3 source. The weakest evidence is that this is P&W jet engine wreckage, but the official line is that it has to be....
<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~qvc/streetsm.JPG">
<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~qvc/wikism.JPG">
Here's a closeup of a shot from the Naudet brothers 8/11 docu film. It's teken from the other side of the Murray St. engine, (same engine as in top photo)
<center><img src="http://home.comcast.net/~qvc/wtc2eng.jpg"><img src="http://home.comcast.net/~qvc/filmst.JPG"></center>
The last set of photos indicate that the larger closeup in the first photo, is from the opposite side of the engine, the side that was "shortened" by the impact of the initial crash into a WTC tower...or whatever this engine core previously hit.
Here's a cropped close up of your linked photo:
There is a chance that we do not have a similar angle, but I see no similarity of the wreckage photos to the engine that Flight 175 was supposed to have,
this P&W JT9D-7.....
<img src="http://home.comcast.net/~qvc/PWsm.JPG">