Buying a house plan.
I want to buy a house in about 2.5 years. Right now i only have about 200$ saved up. As i have been making double payments on my two loans. Right now the only thing i owe is a truck loan which should be paid off in 1.5yrs if i keep paying double payments and a second personal loan i took out to get credit. Which should also be paid off in around 2 years.
Here is my question. I want to save up 10k in the next 2.5 years. to use as my down payments. What is the best way to do this? is there a better way than just puting it in a saving account? right now i have it stuck in my cabinet.
Also am i going to have enough credit to be able to get a home loan? I will probly look for a small place around 50-60k. I have a good work history. Been working in the family business for 8 years. And my credit is good as far as i know. Ive been paying on my truck for 2 years and never missed a payment.
What do you guys think?
I tried to buy a house about a year ago and all of the banks told me if i had not paid off 2 loans prior they would not even consider it.
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