Thanks Seaver for the clarification - I guess it is even more obscure then; celebrates a vicorious battle over the French. For some reason, the good people of Los Angeles keep refering to Cinqo de Mayo as Mexican Independence Day. Go figure.
I'm not sure but I thought German Americans make up a substantial portion of the population. a "trip" to the census website could probably clarify things up. THe last time I checked it, the top four groups in the US were: German, Anglo, Irish, Italian - but that was a while ago. But, seeing how white Americans make up 70%+ of the population, it is still difficult to see how Mexicans make up any significant majority.
As for Hispanics in Denver? Are they all Mexican? If not, why would they care. hispanics are not a monolithic group/
I don't think Oktoberfest is really a holiday is it?
St. Patrick's Day has probably been marginalized to just a "drinking" occasion. I didn't know before that it was to commemorate St Patrik driving the snakes out of Ireland (or is that just urban legend?).
Well, drink up!
I live in a Latin neighborhood - it was very quiet on Friday, no one celebrating. But Christmas (er, Feliz Navidad)? Forget about it! Our neighborhood is out in force. Carollers, lights everything - it is quite nice. But May 5th? Nuthin... I guess it just depends, can't really generalize.