Originally Posted by maleficent
try sitting in the middle seat in the back of the plane, where the moron in front of you decides to recline their seat... Standing would be preferable...
I wish people wouldn't recline their seats, but as long as it isn't during takeoff, landing, or mealtime, then it’s permissible. I recline my seat only when the person in front of me has already reclined theirs. Being 6'3", dealing with the spacing is difficult enough, so if the person in front of me reclines, I do the same. Obviously, I wouldn't recline if there was a mother with a newborn, etc, but I use the above method as a general rule.
As for standing, I wouldn't mind doing it for up to 4 or 5 hours. Since it is only going to be used for even shorter flights, I'm definitely a proponent.