Monster and careerbulders are just online job search places - they might have some tips on job hunting or resume building but they aren't going to help you specifically get a job unless you are proactive... What I said before holds true - the job is not going to come to you -- you have to go to the job...
Employment agencies do not guarentee a job, they basically act as a pimp for a company... In the paper, you'll often find headhunter agencies listing positions... That may or may not be an actual position, but a way of them getting resumes for positions in the future... A big company will come to the agency (one that doesn't want to deal with getting in 100s of resumes from people) and say I want XXX in an applicant... The agency will then weed thru their resumes... and find something that matches close enough... (generally they've already interviewed you once to make sure sure you aren't crosseyed, don't have any annoying quirks, and send oyu on to the real company for another interview... If you get the job.. the agency gets paid...
The agency might help you with your resume because it makes them look better, they might give you some interviewing tips, because it makes them look better, but otherwise you are pretty much on your own...
Some larger cities might havea career counseling center where you could get advice... a headhunter is not going to dot hat - and that is what the career center of your alma mater could offer you.
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