I never thought about Beaver being on Woody's little league team - sure would explain a few things. And I hate that Aaron was found not guilty - wonder what he'll be up to next. I'm guessing he and Kendall are up to no good...
As far as the third season, I just read this: "Rob Thomas has big plans for season three. "We're going to do away with the season-long mystery and, instead, go with three long mysteries. Our first mystery would be eight episodes long, and the nice thing about it is that we give the audience more jumping-in points." In episode 16, the first mystery will introduce the rapist, who shaves women's heads, which Thomas says "allows us to keep some characters we've grown to love on the show." I also read that they want to make Tina Marjorino (Mac) a regular next season. I assume Veronica will end up at Hearst with Wallace and Mac. Don't know who else will come back - I don't see how Weevil will fit in, or Dick or Beaver for that matter. I assume Logan will be around, but again, don't know how he'll fit in.