1. whats up with nathan jones? did the FBI really mess up his ankle?
2. the FBI aggrivates the shit out of me. they strut around spouting a bunch of stereotypical italian phrases and gestures and think they're a pack of badasses. i bet they can't even locate italy on a map.
3. i liked the undertaker helping brock part on last week's smackdown! im going to enjoy watching them destroy the FBI
4. there are too many PPV's today. it used to be they would have one every few months or so and they're would be huge matches that had been brewing for many months. now they have one every month, the matches are really nothing to look forward to, as you can see basically the same thing every week.
5. i still hate the brand split idea. im acutally losing interest in the shows today. one can only watch the same guys fight for so long. brock and triple h would be a kick ass match!!
Well behaved women rarely make history.