heheheheehe, not to be evil but that's pretty damned amusing.
some people are way too independant and go a step further.. she did this.
fuck her. not literaly, i'd hate to offend the bitch, but you know, if you're a bitch then ohfugginwell, you're much better off without her.
my theory has always been... be polite, never ever get where you can't change your habits a little and be you.
some women are easily offended by such matters and want to prove they 'don't need them there men folk!'. at this point you sayd something like 'sorry i am used to doing this, its how i was raised'. if she still intends to be a Feminazi just kick her to the currb. call me lame, but if someone was that rude to me i'd call a cab for her and leave her ass. i don't have time for these little imature twits.
if she were a real person she would had explained with respect. instead, she showed out and created a sceene. some people are totally lack of manners, patience, and respect...
Feminazis suck.
oh yeah: next time I do advise some self control with the opening doors, standing and such. tell her its how you were raised and the proceed to not do it again. she should respect you being a gentleman, and you should respect her for doing things a little differently.
Last edited by WhoaitsZ; 05-26-2003 at 10:01 AM..