Oh, man, can you guys imagine Terry sitting out of the grueling endurance challenge of the final three because he has the individual immunity?
That would be a challenge to watch.
And I think in the very first Survivor, Kelly (?) also won 5-7 immunity challenges in a row. Noone wanted to have her around, but when you get to that point, you are winning reward challenges.
As someone who has skipped a few meals (not by choice), I have to say that you really cannot appreciate what carbs and protein will do to your system when you are very hungry. It is like a boost of adrenaline. Other competitors cannot keep up with him if he is getting chicken, peanut butter and beer.
Down to the final 4. We have the Car Challenge next.
I think Terry or Aras will win the vehicle. If they pull the whole "Give your tribe-mates a vehicle each instead" then I think the winner will do it, rather than that idiot last season.
If I was Terry, who would I want with me in the final 2? Danielle, I guess.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.