Thread: Most Evil Foods
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Old 05-05-2006, 07:10 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
Most Evil Foods

I ate Mac today, as I do when I am tired of rice or noodles.

I noticed the calories on the meal I got.
Big mac set, with large fries, and Med drink.

Big Mac [560]
Large fries [570]
Coke [210]

Being that I don't eat there that often, and that I am if anything, underweight. I don't really need to worry that much. But damn, the fries have more calories then the Big Mac.

I could eat two Big Macs and be getting LESS calories.

I think this is something to think about.

I say, Fries are the most evil food.
Second will be, Soda.

That Coke is 210 Calories for nothing.

The Big Mac may not be healthy.. but at least you get some protein out of it. The fries and coke... you get nothing.

I think if people would stop eating fries, and stop drinking sodas. That alone would trigger loads of weight loss.

Any other *Evil* foods? I'm thinking, foods that are very common place, yet are jam packed with Calories?
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