Originally Posted by TexanAvenger
Why has nobody yet mentioned the commercial for the Hanso Foundation? I almost shit myself when it came on. My girlfriend, who I admit is less addicted than myself, watched it and didn't even bat an eye until I said something later.
For the record, the number on the commercial to call was 1-877-hansorg (1-877-4267674). Earlier it seemed to be unconnected, but now... well, I've a little extra adrenaline in my system. I'll see if I can post links to the recordings I made in the morning.
I tried calling 5 or 6 times and so far have not made it thru. However I think that perhaps it is just not available from Canada.
Incidentaly, along with the TV ad there are some changes to their website: Spoiler:
If you poke around the website it eventually asks you for a password which I assume available from calling the number Tex listed above. So if anyone gets that pass word please post it here with a spoiler tag, otherwise I might never get thru.
Now, as for all the action last night...
I hope, Ana is dead. I never bought her character from the begining. But this was a clumsy way to get rid of her... and the sex with Sawyer?
I hope Libby survived, as I want to know more about her in the looney bin. However rumour has it that Spoiler:
The actress has already started filming a new show with Tom Cavanaugh and therefore I'd presume her ticket is punched.