My son defeated the airport security system.
Tigger is "three AND A HALF", as he will tell you emphatically. We flew out of Newark International about a week ago, and they had one of those high-tech metal-and-explosives-and-who-knows-what-else detectors. (EDIT: it's an IONSCAN® SENTINEL II:

Anyway, Tigger steps into the detector as requested, and it starts humming and blowing air across him. He freaks, and runs out of it and back to Mom. (They really should allow small kids to go through with a parent.)
It turns out that the machine doesn't like people exiting the detector before the cycle is finished. It starts beeping, and the TSA people can't figure out how to reset it, so after a couple of minutes, they give up and send everyone through the normal metal detector.
Fortunately, it was 6 am on a Sunday morning, so there were only a couple of people behind us in line.