I usually stay away from these types of threads because they boarder on speculation and manytimes stray into the land of tin foil hats. With that said i'm going to break my tradition and give my opinnion on this.
The government has not been completly truthfull about 9/11 but I do not believe they in any way orchistrated it. Planes did hit the buildings and cause them to colapse. What else is being proposed here? Our government somehow managed to load the building up with explosives on the supports without anyone noticing? What the government has not been truthful about is it's knowledge before, during, and after. It had enough info to probably stop the attack but ignored the warning signs because they had a "we are America and it can never happen mentality" So in some sense there was a coverup but the coverup was not of some mass conspiracy but instead of a mass blundering done at all levels of the government. In addition the administration saw 9/11 as an opportunity to push it's agenda and acted accordingly, i would not be surprised if their was a meeting within days of 9/11 that discussed how they can use 9/11 and the emotions of people to push their agenda. Anyway thats my 2 cents because it is the explaination that is the simplest and fits the evidence as I see it.