I have very little to add to your post, othe than to say I'm exactly like you. I'm in the music for what it sounds like. I couldn't care less about the band, i couldn't care less about the lyrics. I have no problem cutting songs or entire albums out of a band's discography who I otherwise really like if I don't like how that song/album sounds. It doesn't much matter to me who they are or what they do, either, as long as they're putting out stuff that sounds good.
As I noted in the Tool CD thread, my apathy towards lyrics has often gotten me in trouble because I'll put up in a signature lyrics from a section of the song that sound good to me but may be really weird, morbid or nonsensical and not cite them and get lots of "What in god's name are you talking about?" or "Are you ok?" messages from people. The fact that the lyrics say something isn't what I think about when I read them, I hear the music.
Early on in my musical life I was very band-orieinted. I had my three or four bands and I bought everything of theirs I could get my hands on and forced myself to like the stuff I didn't like immediately on hearing it. I don't know when or why I grew out of that, but it's certainly not how I feel anymore. (I'm looking at you Metallica and Trent Reznor)