I read Shakespeare for book reports in Elementary school. I didn't get the nuances or some of the symbolism but I understood the general storyline. Then I went to do a bookreport on it. The teacher called in my parents for a parent-teacher conference because she believed that my parents had helped or completely written my bookreport for me. Then my Mom insisted that ask me questions about the book. They couldn't think of any right away without skimming through the book themselves. I do believe that they didn't know what was in the book. I answered the questions completely and showed comprehension. If my Mom hadn't made them ask me questions they would not have given me credit for the books. That's what they had intended to do.
I think children are let off the hook too much today. It's not about becoming a "human". It's about developing character, hard work, learning how to read between the lines, recognize detail, and understand symbolism. It's about learning how to function at a higher intellectual level than just your own needs. Not to mention that if you read any intelligent news or even newspaper comics there are occasionally references to the classics which you will not understand if you do not read them.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.