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Old 05-03-2006, 09:26 AM   #6 (permalink)
Invalid Comfort
The Jazz:
Thanks for the congrats . I've earned it so It makes me feel really good!

I think that you did you math wrong. Day job: 500 x 52 = 26,000; Night Job: 400 x 12 = 4800, Grand total before taxes 30,800, after taxes: 24ish.

The only outstanding debt that I carry right now is what I've charged on the card that I carry. And that's going to be payed off next week after I get my paycheck.

When I say new car, I mean newer than my current 88' Honda CRX. In actuality I'd be perfectly happy with my current set of wheels if:

I didn't lose a qt of oil every 300 miles.
I got the gas milage that I'm supposed to for a 60hp motor, it's competing with some much larger SUVs on horrid gas milage.
It leaks break fluid.
Has no A/C. I live in central florida. It's nice right now, but soon it won't be so cool(74ish weather).
My car is just to get me from point A to point B. as of now.


My boss at my night job is aware that I may have to cut back hours if I cannot handle it. I'll be running my own route, have my own truck, and be responsible for my own actions. It will be nice because I won't have to drive me current vehicle to work after training, I'll be driving theirs .

I'll be dedicating my week to work to save money, not for the new car. Thats months down the line when I have cash so I won't have to worry about it if I suddenly lose my job for some reason. I figure that I'll be working so much that I won't have time to spend the money that I'm making. Time willt ell if I can handle it though!

It's 2000$ gross, only about 1600 net. I'll have about 800 in bills, before paying for food, gas, minor entertainment, and hopefully some new clothes(!).

Oddly enough, I actually operate better on less sleep, about 6.5 hours or so, than I do 9. If i get more than 7 I feel groggy and tired all day. I'm more worried about burning myself out than not getting enough sleep. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to finish my day job around 3-4ish on an average so I'll be able to take a power nap before work.


I can't quit the night job right now for a couple of reasons. I would leave a very short staff one more short, and wouldn't feel right just quiting completely. If nessecary I will, but I'll figure that out in a couple of weeks of working both.

I don't think you aware how difficult it is for someone who's 19 and has no credit, nor co-signers or anything of that nature to get any type of credit. I had to wait 8 months of payment history for my cell phone before I even got considered for the 300$ limit I have on the card right now. Keeping it below the 50% mark is a way to teach myself discipline and responibility with credit.

I do see your point with the groceries though . I LOVE patato's, so that will be awesome. I forgot about them *smacks self in forehead*. I don't eat much beef, mostly chicken. But I have a friend that hooks me up even though chicken prices can sometimes be 5$ a pound. Tonight I am definatly getting some fruits and a mild cereal to eat with them in the morning. I've got a shoppers card with albertsons, so I take advantage of the deals the offer often.


Math was done wrong with Jazz. It'll only be around 24,000 if I keep both jobs, and closer to 20-22K$ if I quit the night job. This is alot better than the 13k$ I was making after taxes in my current job.

Concerning the vechicle, I actually want the same make and model of the car I have now, just in much better condition. That will go for around 2-3k. Unless I can find someone who'll finance me over such a small amount without raping me with intrest. So I have to wait to get the cash saved for a neer older car

I have to stick with an older car now. More than anything I was a 2nd gen CRX Si in decent condition, or a 3rd gen Integra. Insurance for me on my current CRX is 110.86/mo. If I was to get the Integra that I wanted it would sky-rocket to about 220$ a month. Damn being 19 >.<

500$ total for all three of you? Wow. I need to learn how to cook better.

I wish I was making 46K$ a year, it would bring me even closer to my short and long term goals. Heh. I'll hope to making such within 3 years!

Last edited by Invalid Comfort; 05-03-2006 at 09:38 AM..
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