Originally Posted by hulk
What level are you at, my man? I get some 10k worth of loot from each gate I go into, easily. Most of my enchanted weapons have 40-60 charges in them. Even spending the full amount to charge them every time has yet to make a dent in my income. Up at 100k and growing!
I'm a pretty high level. Level 38 I think. It's been awhile since I last played. I'm actually not sure what the charge on my Goldbrand is. I know it's 3000, but I'm not sure how many uses. But it needs recharged while I'm out there. And it has nothing to do with making a dent in my income. I have over 100k and I own 3 houses. I just choose not to go to the mages guild. Azura's Star is awesome, that's what I use for all my recharging needs. Like I said, just part of the pattern for me. When I'm running low on charge, I capture a soul and use it to recharge. And you're probably about right, over 10k easily, depending on what you keep and what you sell. Actually, not sure, my mercantile isn't too high, so I get the shaft when it comes to that area.
Also, I have a whole bunch of grand soul gems with grand souls inside that I carry with me. This could be a glitch or could be weird feature of Azura's Star, but has anyone noticed that if you have no grand soul gems, but do carry Azura's Star, sometimes the Star creates a grand soul gem with a grand soul (or greater, whatever) inside, rather than actually trapping the soul in Azura's Star? This has happened to me many of times, giving me many grand soul gems.
Edit: by the way, that sucks about your 360, hope you catch the asshole.