So, the jet fuel could (at the very most) have only added T - 25 = 282 - 25 = 257° C (495° F) to the temperature of the typical office fire that developed.
Well here is the first problem, you are trying to heat everything, when actually the heat will not be spread evenly, it will be hotter in the center of the fire, and less in the outskirts. The center of the fire would be much hotter and the outsides would be cooler, as well as the top being hotter then the bottom.
Then it is impossible that the jet fuel, by itself, raised the temperature of this floor more than 257° C (495° F).
This is incorrect, saying ‘it is impossible that the jet fuel, by itself, raised the Average temperature of this floor more than 257° C (495° F)’ is more accurate but in reality the you also have a large plane (87,135 kg) hitting at 850km/h, kinetic energy = .5 mass * vel*vel, so this is an additional 31,477,518,750 joules of energy. Not much, but this energy is transferring not as heat, but as kinetic motion, deformation to the structure of the towers, remember that this is hitting in a piercing motion, it’s not evenly distributed, it’s punching through the tower, severing supports all the way through. This weekend the towers to such a point that the addition of the heat weakening the steel brought the towers down.
It is not even close to the first critical temperature of 600° C (1,100° F) where steel loses about half its strength and it is nowhere near the quotes of 1500° C that we constantly read about in our lying media.
You are right that if the heat was spread evenly through out a floor, it could not heat it very much, but it is not even. As I stated above the plane hit and pierced the building, this would spread the fuel in a line/cone pattern, it would be stopped by walls not destroyed by the plane, and shaped into an area much smaller than the entire floor. If the fuel was reduced in its area by half that would double the raise in temperature, but it would be more than half, much more. The wings would fold back near the start and no longer widen the path, the fuselage of the plane would continue further, but the total area covered by the fuel would only be several times the size of the plane, no where near the size of the floor. This would allow for more heat to be transferred to a smaller area, heating the beams up much more than you state.
As for the pentagon:
- the damage at the pentagon is not consistent with the damage that should have been there. The windows where the wings were said to hit weren't even broken! The hole in the back wall is the wrong size (for the fuselage OR the engines):
The pentagon is not some office building, it’s a fortress. The windows are several inches think and designed to withstand bombs, a plane will not create enough force to break them unless it hits it directly. In the bottom pictures, look how thick the walls are, that’s about a foot thick of reinforced concrete, that’s why the structural damage was not as sever. As for the plane penetrating so deeply, as I stated earlier it’s hitting with 30 billion joules of force.
This is a picture of the inner-most wall. That hole is roughly 16’ wide and 11’ tall. Now each ring of the Pentagon has an outer and inner wall. Each wall is approx. 18" thick. This is steel reiforced concrete. That means that the impact point was 36" of steel reinforced concrete. This means a total of 9' of steel reinforced concrete from entry point in the outer ring, to the exit point of the inside of the inner ring. Could a 757 have punched out a 14-16' wide hole on entry and have pierced 9' total of steel reinforced concrete to make a hole of almost exactly the same dimentions?
Easily. The fact that the tip would break is irrelevant, you have a heavy cylinder crashing into a wall at an incredible speed, and it will go through. The body of a 757 is about 15 feet a cross, the same size as the hole, the wings would be ripped off, but the body would remain to continue to penetrate. It’s all about force per square inch. The 757 is a huge plane, going really fast, it will punch through anything, period. Just because the nose would break does not mean it would stop, everything behind would keep coming and punch through it. the roof is still intact is because the building is built like a fortress, the impact was able to penetrate the wall, but did not hit enough support beams to bring it down, and since it was on the ground, fire suppression was able to be used relatively quickly, stopping the fire from getting out of hand.