Quit the night job and buy the car on payments. That'll do more for your credit rating than keeping a card at below 50%. Anybody can get a car loan, and keep in mind, the loan rate is negotiable just like the car price. If they tell you that their "system" only allows them to do a 12% loan for somebody who is just establishing a credit rating, tell them sorry, you guess you'll have to wait to buy a car. They'll come back and say, "oh! we found a lender who'll do 8%!"
And groceries are NOT as expensive as fast food. Maybe things like brand name home replacement meals (the new TV dinners), but two pounds of beef can be had for $3-$4, cheese for $2, and generic white bread from $.99. That's eight quarter pound hamburgers for $6. Most fast food quarter pounders cost $3.
Potatoes are dirt cheap, filling, and can spend the day in your lunch box even after it's been cooked. It takes about 5 minutes to nuke one. Frozen vegetables are cheap and easy to fix. Like Jazz said, if you get a shopper's card, you can always bargain shop the meats and produce. They always seem to have a meat special that works out to about a dollar a pound.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet