I can't say that I don't look at other girls and some guys. My boyfriend and I both at times do it, though I think I vocalize it more.

When I see a girl with a nice body, I look... who wouldn't? Or a guy that's well built? I don't plan on jumping outta my car and dry humping their legs just because they're walking across the street at a red light.... I love my boyfriend very much, I would never cheat on him or leave him.
It's kinda like porn, but living... just because we watch it and like it.. doesn't mean we're going to go sign up with Ron Jeremy to be in a porn flick.
I don't see anything wrong with looking, I liked the above reference.. "We look with our eyes, not our hands".. and that's perfect. I know where my love is, and that is what's important.. I'm not going to ruin that just because of eyecandy. My boyfriend and what he gives me are the most precious gifts in my life and I wouldn't lose that for the world.
Enough said.