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Old 05-02-2006, 01:27 PM   #34 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
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Location: North side
I think you're very smart listing out all of your expenses and thinking of where your money will go BEFORE it goes there, Red- that's very "adult." Way too many times people get their first "real" job and get a house and a car and all that jazz, then realize they're in debt up to their eyeballs.

Something to consider- I'm assuming you're going to stay in Boone, you're going to have salt on the roads A LOT (of course, you know this already). You're also going to have lots of snow and ice and such in the winter- make sure you get a car that can handle the driving conditions where you are. Just like you wouldn't want a black car with a black interior if you lived in Vegas, you probably don't want a front wheel drive car living in Boone in the wintertime. Then you DEFINITELY wouldn't get to work on time!

My 1990 Jeep Cherokee was bought five years ago for $3000. I estimate I've probably done around $1000 worth of work on it in that time (new tires, new brakes, new muffler, the kind of stuff that you need to replace on a 15 year old car). So, for $4000, I have a great car that's got a bajillion miles left in it, and that is dependable like an old friend. I know you really really want a new, shiny, fancy car right now, but realize that buying a car is a HUGE investment, and should not be done lightly.

Make sure you research any car you're thinking about buying, wether it be that new shiny fancy one or just a used one that will get you by right now. Is the car you want generally reliable, or are there tons of people complaining that their cars are always in and out of the shop? Don't just rely on brand names- Mercedes that were made ten years ago are VASTLY different in terms of "crap that needs to be fixed all the time" then Mercedes nowadays. Same with Jeep- they used to be a lot more dependable then they are now. Also, have you considered buying a cheaper version of your "dream car"? Getting the Civic instead of the Acura, or the Kia instead of the Mercedes. Keep in mind that different cars have different rates of insurance- I know that if I was driving Martel's car (2 door 2001 VW GTI) my insurance would be double what it is right now. My brother's insurance dropped when he got an Acura instead of his Civic because Civics are the #1 stolen car (so my brother said).

As far as the piddily things that you spend money on, I think you're starting to get a really good idea of where your money is going to go. I know that it means a LOT to just be able to take a long weekend whenever you want to and not be all "Oh, I can't go do X with my friends becuase I don't have the money in my budget for gas!" There's also all that stuff that comes with your first apartment that you just didn't think about- Paper towel holder, new washer and dryer because you're tired of lugging your dirty laundry to the washroom, extension cords for your computer, new TV stand because you're getting tired of the cinderblock and 2x4 approach to living room furniture... that kinda thing.

It's really great that you're realizing NOW that money is something that really does make the world go 'round. It's unfortunate, but very true. By realizing this now instead of in fifteen years, you'll realize finacial freedom a lot sooner than most people. I think Martel's grandpa said it best : "Only borrow money to make money."
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous

Last edited by Sage; 05-02-2006 at 01:30 PM..
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