I think Colbert's show is pretty funny and I like his style, but his satire at the ceremony simply didn't fit. The audience was laughing at his bravery, not at the actual speech. By the end, no one was laughing.
Bush's skit before Colbert's was definitely the highlight of the show with the impersonator. It shows that even through extreme criticism and mockery, the President is still able to make jokes at himself and take the idiotic criticism lightheartedly (most notably the public speaking). If Colbert had followed up on the tone of Bush's skit then I would have enjoyed the speech much more.
I won't make any hugely detailed political posts, but while I disagree with the actions taken of our President, I still believe in supporting the President. Also -- Helen's question was pretty obvious, as aforementioned in this thread. The reason for invading Iraq is simple -- Bush thought Iraq was a threat. Was it a mistake? Probably, but you don't wait on terrorists to act, you take preventive measures. If anyone here can prove that Hussein wasn't a terrorist, be my guest.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert