I haven't been too impressed with AQ in general - we haven't gone to AQ40 yet, but the General Rajaxx encounter in AQ20 seems to be one of the buggiest things I've ever seen. We've been constantly having problems with multiple waves coming at one, waves respawning after they've been killed, Andorov getting stuck in impassable terrain and dying, etc.
The most recent time we killed Rajaxx, Andorov got stuck on impassable terrain and couldn't be healed, even if we were standing on top of him, so he died by the fourth or fifth wave. We finished taking down the waves and started trying to kill Rajaxx, but his knockback kept making our tanks lose aggro, so we graveyard zerged him for the 5 minutes it took to kill him. Expensive and definitely not worth the repair bills. We haven't bothered to go back since.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!