Originally Posted by Rodney
Will the churchgoers just pack it up when the church no longer offers so many perks and goodies? Will they be empowered enough to start volunteering to keep things moving? Or will they care enough to do so? We'll see.
I went to a church where all but one of the church staff were taken off payroll and worked at the church as volunteers. They all had to get other jobs and yet still continued to volunteer at the church. When hard times ended they came back as paid staff. I can't say this happens at all churches but in this case it worked out just fine. It is not my place to decide when a church ahs become too big or they are just in it for the money. You have to Just decide that you are giving to God and not some church. If they use God's money( if you tithe at all thats who you are giving your money to) for personal gain and not Spiritual gain then they will have to answer to God himself and that is not aplace I would want to be.
I tithe at my local church. A whole ten percent and considering my pay it really aint that much compared to how much they take in every week. Also a way you might know if your church is legitamite is churchs are required every year to post a financial breakdown and kind of explain where the money was spent. if your church cannot provide you with this you may want to determine if you are in a good church. A church concerned only with how much money gets dropped in the bucket is concerned very little about your spiritual growth and should be boycotted.