something i know wuite a bit about..
1st and msot important.. your debit card use only threatens your credit score if you dont pay or take and excessivley long time to pay..
i bounce regulalry.. the most i ever paid in a 1 weekend period is $283.00 yes it was a stupid tax...
i am not a financial genious.. nor do i have allot of money.. i do know my creidt score is important.. and i woudl much rather pay a $32 charge on a bounce debit or check than let a bill go late.. so often enough i write the check or do the online thing and pay it and then deal with repercutions later..
i have probally bonced 100's of times and the onloy time it ever came close to threating my credit score was when i was in jail and didnt pay the fees...
always pay the fees..
the bank will let you overdraw.. they love to have your money..
imo always pay your bills.. its incrediblly important.. even if you aint got the money for a few days... i would not recomend waitng more than 5 bussiness days to pay the fees...
just my 2 cents...
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