Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
I don't understand why Nintendo would need to change their market? They produce games that are generally for all ages (Zelda, MarioKart, etc.)
They're all generally extremely fun games, even without guns, drugs, and violence.
I don't see a correlation between having a market for all ages and having lame games.
I don't understand it either. Whenever Nintendo unveils a new product, someone, somewhere is wailing about the downfall of the titan.
this debacle will bury Nintendo!!! A-ha!!!"
87 different styles of gameboys later and a fairly successful jump to CD-media and Nintendo is still around. Well...they must be
barely hanging on then, right?
I don't give a damn what Nintendo wants to call their new console as long as it's fun. And if the Gamecube is any indication...then I'm sold. It's got that funky controller, it's backwards compatable, access to Nintendo's library and it's going to be cheap, which is great because the money from the kidney I sold is already ear-marked for the PS3. It's going to be a hit....with everyone but the graphics-whores and the horsepower-flunkies who would rather sit a bitch about how 'kiddie' or 'technologically deficient' the new Nintendo console is rather than pick a controller and get in the damn game.