Im not on Weight Watchers, but I feel like sharing my story. Last early July I went to the beach, and a few weeks later we had pictures developed from the trip. I didn’t like the way I looked. I decided before my birthday in late October I was going to loose all the weight. I replaced eggo waffles and 2 bowls of cereal in the morning with yogurt, and McDs, pizza, and cheesesteaks for lunch with meal bars.
My starting weight was 215 and made it down to 190 by birthday. My next goal was to get down to my high school weight of 165 by the time beach season rolled around. By the time the febuary came, and the last time I weighed myself I was down to 175.
A month ago I started out walking, and that turned into hiking and now I am running and walking six miles four times a week. I have no idea what my weight is I don’t have a scale at my new place, but I feel that there is still some work to do. Im hoping to graduate from walking/running to just running and maybe add some weight training in the mix.
So in a few months when you see that guy at the beach with the killer bod. Don’t hesitate to come up and say hi to me