Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Are you calling your own bullshit then? because you know what I posted in that paragraph was not a denigration of a waiting period, it was pointing out how a 'feel good' regulation can backfire on those that thought it was a good idea in the first place
How did it backfire? Because a bunch of untrained new gun owners didn't go running around shooting the wrong people? Surely you don't mean that.
Read what you wrote. Again. Very carefully. I even quoted it, twice, in this thread. Maybe you didn't MEAN what you wrote, but you did write it.
[quote]it says a militia is necessary to the security of a free state THEN it says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. [quote]
The first qualifies the second. It points to the intent of the framers, which was not to have a thousand jackasses with brand new guns running around LA shooting anyone they see.
[I]"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State,
Speaking of reading comprehension, do we REALLY need to define "well regulated" for you? You seem to have trouble with the concept of "regulated." The number of hunting accidents and other accidental shootings each year tells us that gun ownership in this country is anything BUT well-regulated.
The BOR is a short but incomplete list of individual rights. It's insane and illogical to think that the constitution defines and lists what 'powers' the government is authorized by the people and then to believe that smack dab in the BOR it gave the government a right.
Once again you fail to read and understand what I wrote. I specifically said that the BOR does not TAKE AWAY the right to a gun. So for you to suggest that I did signifies either that you're not bothering to read my entire post, or that you're making stuff up in order to appear to be the winner of this little debate. Which is it?
You're falling into the same category as many vehemently pro-gun advocates. When someone points out that the 2nd does not GIVE the right, they automatically assume that person is trying to take that right away. That's a logical fallacy. I would hope debaters here on TFP could rise above that reactionary crap and actually read, and understand, what others are writing.