Originally Posted by shakran
Oops. You screwed up. You've been posting thread after thread advocating gun ownership, claiming to be a responsible gun owner. Yet in this thread you say we should have hundreds, possibly thousands, of people who've never owned a gun, never had any training with the gun, all buying guns on the same day and looking to shoot anything that moves. With no training. If these people HAD been allowed to buy all the guns they wanted a LOT more people would have been hurt and killed. If you want a gun for self preservation, that's fine. I don't even have a problem with that ... I have no problem with you having a gun as long as you're trained and responsible with it). But I DO have a problem with someone who is panicking (and who wouldn't panic in the middle of a citywide riot) and who buys a gun, never having any training with it, and then runs around trying to "defend" themselves. I'm frankly surprised that you would be in favor of this happening, since you claim to be such a responsible gun owner.
This is SOOOO not what he said.
Originally Posted by shakran
(Just because the 2nd doesn't give you the right to it, it should be pointed out that the 2nd does not TAKE AWAY that right either.
1. The second amendment DOES preserve your right to keep and bear arms.
2. The entire Bill of Rights does not grant rights--it PRESERVES the rights inherent in being a citizen (and most times, not even a citizen) of this country.