Let's see, 10 years ago I was 38 teaching in a jr. high classroom. Married with a ten year old and one due in May. Still competing in high level sports(fastpitch softball and basketball). Five years ago, moved out of the classroom and out to the phys. ed. dept. No longer able to play softball due to arthritis in both hips, but still holding on to old man basketball. Today, older son set to graduate from college semester early, younger son almost 10 and full of piss and vinegar. Still teaching p.e. but the day before my 48th b'day told I may have cancer of the lungs. Don't smoke, never have, what a pisser. Five or ten years from now, hope to still be here complaining of piddily ass aches and pains and enjoying my family. You guys may not want to wait too long to make plans.