Originally Posted by hannukah harry
it's okay to have an abortion because a) it's wrong to force a woman to carry a child she doesn't want for 9-months -snip- to force that on a woman who doesn't want it... you may as well lock her in a cell and torture her for 9 months. personally, i prefer my women to be incubators by choice, not force.
I'm not even sure why I'm jumping into this thread (or why it's even still going)... but I do want to say something here.
NOTE: I am pro-choice, and I will never support a political candidate whose platform is based on restricting women's choice. However, I do not ever see myself having an abortion, barring rape or extreme health complications.
Harry, your argument for abortion is based on the opinion that "forcing" a woman to have a child, if she doesn't want a child, is wrong. To me, that's like saying a woman is also "forced" to not use birth control (or to use it incorrectly) and that she is "forced" to choose to have unprotected sex.
Personally, I find that this opinion actually demeans women's reproductive choices. Women can and SHOULD be responsible for what happens to their bodies as a result of sex. If a woman doesn't want a child, no one (unless it's a rapist, or if they are very low-income and have ZERO access to birth control or condoms) can force a pregnancy on her. If she gets pregnant, well... sure, no one can actually force her to keep the child. But no one forced her to get pregnant in the first place; to believe that is to believe that woman cannot and should not be expected to take responsibility for their own bodies. Barring socioeconomic differences and education, it all comes down to choice and taking responsibility for one's decisions.
For me, I recognize that having an abortion is a valid way of taking responsibility for one's poor decisions. However, it's a responsibility I would clearly like to avoid, because I am just not emotionally able to handle doing something like that to myself. Therefore I take any and all precautions (short of abstinence) necessary to avoid getting pregnant. If I got pregnant, I would carry the child to term.
That is all there is to it, for me. Others can do what they wish; it is, after all, a free country. "Force" is not the right word to use in such an argument (again, unless we are talking rape).