Ah...my little question was intended for humor but I see it has taken a philosophical bent *chuckle*. There are a host of flaws to my one-liner but I get your point. Still, believe all things being equal, most people take the path of least resistance. looking at the two options, perhaps choosing to rob the birkenstocks would be less work than a potentially armed guy (with itchy trigger finger), assuming your average Joe burglar is unarmed.
Regarding the statistical question, I think it's worth a look. Otherwise this type of debate just sort of goes in circles eh?
For examples, excluding accidents and suicides would be a preliminary step I would think. And differentiating between crimes committed with lawful guns vs unlawful (if they even keep such a statistic) would also be wise. Something like that.... of course looking at stats is only a part of the discussion but a potentially valuable addition.