Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I don't begrudge you yours either, although I certainly don't agree with them. You can question my rationale all you like, it's not going to bother me. I know at times I'm wrong, I know at times I'm right. This is one of those times I'm right.
You say cops don't do stupid things like that? You don't watch or read the news much i'm guessing.
Remember Amadou diallo? An african immigrant that was shot and killed by new york cops on his porch. 4 cops fired 41 bullets at him and he was unarmed.
The north hollywood bank robbery shootout - these two morons had automatic weapons and were just spraying lead all over the place. Now, what would you rather have, these two continuing to indiscriminately shoot the hundreds/thousands of rounds they had in all directions or 2-4 people with automatic arms firing back at them in their direction trying to stop them?
I know, like most people who have been led to believe that we mere humans are incapable of handling such an episode without totally crumpling down in to a catatonic mass of human flesh, never to recover from such awful violence are totally inferior to the superhuman law enforcement because they wear body armor and qualify with a pistol once a year, you choose to have two psychotics running loose in the streets killing people instead of having any civilian fire back because that would just cause pure pandemonium and might get someone killed.
I've never been around a drive by, had to live in downtown south dallas for a week once though. I hadn't heard that much gunfire since my last time on the rifle range as a marine. Nobody wants more bullets flying around, but any intelligent person that wants to stop those that are shooting up the place should know that the only thing thats going to stop them is their fear of being shot back at.
First of all, since you don't know my stance on guns, don't make asinine comments about whether you agree with them or not (inverting my comments doesn't demonstrate much thought in your response). The most I've done is subject your arguments to scrutiny. You probably object to that position, with little wonder, since they haven't held up to any close examination so far.
Secondly, if you are military trained, I'm surprised you would advocate indiscriminant magazine dumping into soft targets. but whatever, like I said, your responses increasingly clarify your irrationality on this subject.
I watch and read the news all the time. Neither of your examples approximate the norm of police behavior, were roundly criticized when they occurred, and in the north hollywood example, specifically, the streets were closed off and it was in a business district so I don't even see how that's relevant to whether citizens should respond to gun-weilding criminals with a hail of bullets.
BUT, I'm not here to debate the finer points of your position on this or tangentially related subjects, my point in posting was to clue you in to the fact that you often step right up to the line of rational discourse in these subjects and sometimes, like these past few comments, you fall right off the cliff. Tone down the rhetoric f you want anyone to take you seriously.