I have to side that I absolutely hated Shakespear for half of High School. However during my Junior year everything just started to click and it made much more sense... I cant explain it to others.
That being said, it's not his message that is difficult (Much Ado About Nothing is nothing more than a funny soap opera), but it is the language.
Say what you want about the stupid young kids, but we speak a completely different language than Shakespear did. There are MANY genious authors out there who write about things relevent to today which we could easily switch to. Just make them with complex and thoughtful stories, To Kill a Mokingbird for example. It takes an intelligent being to get the deeper meaning of stories. The important part of high school is teaching people how to think and analize.
Mariner students sometimes rebel against the books teachers think they should read. Rossana said students shove back at her "The Grapes of Wrath," a weighty John Steinbeck classic, and say, "Just give me an F."
If I were a teacher I'd just say "ok" and tell them to leave. Then smile when they return later asking for help.