Originally Posted by nezmot
The thing is dk, that if there was adequate gun control way back when, the LA Riots would not have been so violent, or so lawless. Guns point both ways.
the thousands of people running around looting and burning weren't using guns, they were able to use sheer numbers as a mob to be violent and target people and shops. Gun control HURT people because they weren't able to get guns for protection. Others were told this huge lie about the police would be there to protect them, and they weren't. People died not because the mobs had guns, but because they, as victims, did not.
Originally Posted by nezmot
But, I accept that in the US, things have gone too far - there are too many guns freely available for anyone, be they criminal, rioter, law abiding citizen, or paranoid parking-lot sniper to get their hands on.
In that world, you're damn right I would want to be armed.
Isn't that a shame though? To live in so much fear that you have to plan ahead for the day when you have to shoot your countrymen in order to defend your family and your own property.
That is not something to be proud of.
Any country who's citizens feel these levels of fear and distrust among their own people, is in serious trouble. No wonder there are so many stories of people shooting first and asking questions later.
i've got a growing philosophy in my head, that if we stopped coddling violent criminals and incarcerated them for 25 to life, or life without parole for any crime in which they use a weapon, then we'd have less to fear. I also believe, despite the doom and gloom scenarios by anti-gun people, that there would be less crime if more people were armed. Now, do I think that will bring about some peaceful utopia? no, not at all, and we'd still have all the gang violence in the inner cities BUT, and I know this sounds nuts, these gangbanger drive by shootings would soon stop after a few trained civilians emptied a magazine or two in to the cars of these idiots that spray bullets all over a city block trying to kill some other gangbanger. Even the gangbangers don't want to get shot and if they think that initiating a drive by could get them killed by someone they didn't see with an automatic, they'd certainly reconsider.
would this result in deaths? certainly. But the cost in lives would be far less than doing absolutely nothing or worse, disarming those that WANT to be safe.