Like Medusa, I too hated Shakespeare. I have only read two of the books, Romeo and Juliet in High School, and Merchant of Venice in College. I think the sappy love story doomed me in high school. That is not real appealing to high school boys, and yes I hated the style that it was written in to. In high school though I had to read Color Purple, and that is not a easy thing to read, a lot of the story is written in “black folk” language. I enjoyed reading that so I don’t think the “not challenging enough” wasn’t the problem.
I know a lot of kids hate reading, it sucks that they have to shy away from the classics. Getting the students to read period and opening up their eyes I think is more important. My daughter likes to read the Harry Potter books. I’m not going to take that away from her and give her some book that she thinks is boring, cause it will do nothing more than collect dust.