It doesn't matter what the cops would have done...they can't do anything right in the eyes of the public. There is always a group of people who cry that it should have been differently.
1. Police subdue the lady with pepper spray. Public outcry that it was unnecessary to spray the lady in the wheel chair because she is obviously a knife weilding, non-threatening person because of the chair. If she dies, its because the police used excessive force. They should have either knocked over the wheel chair or waited until she wore herself out.
2. Police subdue the lady with a Taser. Public outcry that it was unnecessary to shock the lady in the wheel chair because she is obviously a knife weilding, non-threating person because of the chair. If she dies, its because the police used excessive force. They should have either sprayed her or waited until she wore herself out.
3. Police subdue the lady by shooting her. Public outcry that it was unnecessary to shoot the lady in the wheel chair because she is obviously a knife weilding, non threatining person because of the chair. If she dies, its because police used excessive force. They should have either sprayed her, Tasered her, or waited until she wore herself out.
4. Headline: "Knife Weidling Wheelchair Bound Woman Slits Wrists While Police Watch". Public outcry that the police did nothing while this lady, armed with a knife and who knows what else, was allowed to keep possession of the weapons and harm herself. If she dies, the public asks why the police stood by and took no action. They should have sprayed her, Tasered her, or shot her.
I could keep going. Shoot her with less than leathal bean bags? She gets knocked over, hits her head on the ground and dies of head trauma. How did the police know that she didn't have more weapons like a gun? They sit by and wait her out. In the mean time, she pulls the gun and starts firing. Two cops dead before she blows her own head off.
The police just can't win, no matter what they do.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin